Spring Cleaning your Emotional Clutter

Spring is here, and with it comes Spring Cleaning. As important as it is to clean all the dust and clutter from your house, it is even more important to clean the emotional clutter from your body.

Trapped emotions and traumas can weaken your immune system and wreak havoc on the body and mind. This 7-day course gives you the tools you need to begin clearing out some of the most common emotional clutter.

Each day you'll get an Anahata Codes assisting frequency to install which will support your progress. You'll also receive a simple self-help suggestion from Jin Shin Jyutsu (JSJ), an ancient healing art designed to harmonize through the breath.

As more of us are currently choosing to stay at home and "self-isolate," now is the perfect time for self-reflection, growth, and healing.

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Start Clearing Your Emotional Clutter

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